Authority 4, Know Your Enemy

In this episode, I’m going to fill in the blanks on the enemy that we saw illustrated in the last video. As I illustrated in that brief excursion through the history of the real war, the same enemy since the beginning of human history has been fighting, spreading, hiding and resurging.

Authority 4, Know Your Enemy

If you’re not comfortable with Judeo-Christian concepts of spiritual entities, and believe me I’m not all that comfortable myself, others have described this enemy as a virus-like idea or a form of mental illness. Whatever you like, all I’m postulating here is the root cause at the center of the evidence we just looked at.

In medicine, when you go to a doctor’s office, they rarely will try to look at the specific bacteria or virus that may be infecting you in a lab as part of their diagnosis. We’ve all experienced this. You go to see a doctor when you’ve got a flu bug or something. You know what it feels like, you may have a fever, stuffed runny nose congestion, aches and pains, and other symptoms. The doctor will look at your symptoms, consider epidemiology, as in what’s been going around, and then give you some medicine and tell you to come back in a week or two if you’re not any better.

The medicine they give you, or tell you to take over the counter, are palliative. That means they are meant to treat the symptoms, not the disease.

If you get any antibiotics, they say that’s preventative. That means they are giving it to you while your body is sick and weak, to prevent any secondary infection. Antibiotics don’t work on viruses. That’s called preventative.

If they give you an antiviral, then that is the only thing that is given for the actual problem.

You may end up taking pills and syrup and all kinds of things, to help with the fever and the congestion and runny nose, and sore throat and everything, except the virus causing the disease, the actual disease.

This is normal, it’s totally normal. But it also means that most of the time they don’t truly know what’s wrong with you. They’re guessing. It’s a damn good guess, backed by mountains of education and experience and paying attention to things like epidemiology, but it’s still a guess. Except for the rare times they actually look at a part of you under a microscope, they never know exactly truthfully what’s making you sick.

The point is, that diagnosis is looking not at the problem, but how the problem affects the things around it, the symptoms.

In astronomy or astrophysics, you can’t see a black hole. Everyone accepts they’re real, but no one’s ever seen one. You can’t. You literally can’t see one. It absorbs everything, all light, all radio waves and x-rays and microwaves; just everything we can use to identify that there is a black hole, we can’t use to see it.

But through physics and math and people a hell of a lot smarter than you or me, we can predict the existence of black holes. And then we gotta figure out a way to verify it. Same as diagnosis in the example above, we look for how the black hole affects things around it. Instead of an infection by a virus making the body and cells and tissues around it react in a peculiar way, we look for stars gases, and other things that are behaving in a peculiar way in space. We can see them, just like we can see snot.

This is a valid principle, used by medicine and science and a lot of other things. This is what I mean by the root cause at the center of the evidence.

The Gnosticism Behind Gnosticism

Well, if we look at everything I listed in the history of war example in the last video we get a pretty good picture of an enemy and its traits and movements and characteristics in the same way. It is pretty close to call this thing Gnosticism, but it’s bigger than that.

Our silly academia will say that Gnosticism didn’t start until relatively later, compared to the timeline I used, going back to Adam and Eve and even before. And they’re right. What we call Gnosticism did start relatively later, but it is Gnosticism, Gnostic ideas, and philosophy that are largely indistinguishable from our picture of this enemy.

I’m not even talking about a devil or Lucifer, that’s not what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about some force or concept in reality that existed before what we call Gnosticism was ‘officially’ started, but in all respects we have to identify it, just like in every way we can’t see or identify a black hole, it’s the same thing. Gnosticism didn’t invent this thing, they observed it, described it, and then called it truth.

I am not going to pretend to be an expert in Gnosticism, I know about what anyone else who has read a few books on it and did a few dozen research trips around the internet on the subject might know. That’s not even the worst part of my lack of expertise. My small study of the subject makes it clear to me that at its root Gnosticism is not a single-ordered concrete body of knowledge. As I explain the key concepts below, I’ll explain this further. As said in a paper I found in my research published at, a catholic education and research organization, “Owing to the multiplicity and divergence of Gnostic theories, a detailed exposition in this article would be unsatisfactory and confusing and to a certain extent even misleading, since Gnosticism never possessed a nucleus of stable doctrine, or any sort of depositum fidei around which a number of varied developments and heresies or sects might be grouped.”

And this is what it looked like:

A Comparison

In Gnosticism what one puts effort into spirituality and how one is ‘saved’ is through knowledge, not anything resembling pistis or grace or a relationship with a redeemer.In Christianity, the serpent told Eve that if she partook of the fruit she would learn good and evil and then be like God, Setting the standard of knowledge destroying faith.
Gnosticism is thinly disguised Pantheism. In the beginning, was the Depth; the Fullness of Being; the Not-Being God; the First Father, the Monad, the Man; the First Source, the unknown God (Bythos pleroma, ouk on theos, propator, monas, anthropos, proarche, hagnostos theos), or by whatever other name it might be called.In Christianity, there is one God. I’m not going to get into anything about the Trinity doctrines.
In Gnosticism, Sophia is a feminine figure, analogous to the human soul but also simultaneously one of the feminine aspects of God. Gnostics held that she was thesyzygy, or female twin, of Jesus, i.e. the Bride of Christ, and the Holy Spirit of the Trinity.In Christianity we are to worship no other gods, period. The Father, Son, and holy ghost are one God. There is no feminine version, the inclusion of the mother is one of the greatest controversies and battlegrounds in Christian thought and has been for hundreds of years.
Gnostic salvation is not merely individual redemption of each human soul; it is a cosmic process. It is the return of all things to what they were before the flaw in the sphere of the Æons brought matter into existence and imprisoned some part of the Divine Light into the evil Hyle.In Christianity, the first man, Adam, created a separation from God that was reconciled two thousand years ago by the death of Christ. What many look to as the return of Christ and the events of the end times in Revelations has nothing to do with it, it’s just a prophecy of future times. The work unto salvation is already accomplished.
In Gnosticism, our efforts to acquire this secret special knowledge is the religious life of the Gnostic.In Christianity learning to trust God (faithing) and letting Him lead is the religious life of the Christian.
In Gnosticism, authority is derived from secret teachings from wise teachers, human or spirit, and making contact with those spirit teachers through meditation, experimentation, and ritual. It is essentially the same model as authority in academia or the new media as described in previous videos on the subject.In Christianity, authority is from God, period. Everything in the bible is a record of times when God, in various ways including through the incarnation of Jesus, interacted with man. And following those revelations we tried to preserve that authority through various means proscribed by God.
In Gnosticism whatever soul or spark they describe that man has is an actual piece of that which they call God. Through their religious practices and knowledge that spark can rejoin the main source, but we and it are of the same substance.In Christianity, God breathed into Adam a life that is of a separate substance and is recreated by the born-again experience, but at no time is man elevated or made the same as God.
Gnosticism is highly ritualized.Christianity, although rituals may be performed, they have no basis in the New Testament framework. There are no rituals in Christianity.
Gnosticism is highly experimental, part of the religious life of the Gnostic is to seek knowledge through study, research, and experimenting.In Christianity, God seeks you out and provides for your spiritual growth through a domata, or teaching pastor type. It is a relationship with a living God, Jesus, that you approach the same way you would approach a relationship with any person.
In Gnosticism, there is a social aspect of exclusion based on having secret knowledge.In Christianity we aren’t to judge, we give Caesar what is Caesar’s, and there’s an element of evangelism. The purpose is to spread the good news, we don’t save anyone. One of the greatest threats and dangers to Christianity is through the social element since as society breaks down, as we are seeing in our society today, we aren’t able to have relationships with others, harming our ability to treat our living God with a relationship like we would with others.

Gnosticism is parasitical by nature, I’m not talking bad about them, they claim this as a characteristic themselves. This is a characteristic described as an eclectic adoption of buffet-style components from any or all other religions or cultures, and also intentionally integrating into other religions and cultures as a form of hostile infiltration, with obvious results by looking around at where we are today.

What all that long list means, or rather what I mean to point out, is that there is a definite list of characteristics that we can a) identify as the enemy throughout history, and; b) identify as core principles of Gnosticism, theosophy, communism, feminism, woke progressive ideologies, mental illness, academia and early church division, as well.

Not a Conspiracy Theory

So essentially, to this enemy the goal is to get us to embrace the idea that man is god, knowledge is supreme, and magic is real. Basically, they believe that man and the efforts of man are the pinnacle of authority. Clearly at its root, the characteristics existed before Gnosticism was called such, and is about as extreme an opposite to the very heart of Christianity as one could conceive.

Yet right now, as we speak, there are dozens of videos on YouTube explaining how the two are the same, Gnosticism is either a part of Christianity or the secret truth of Christianity. There are academics you can find and read right now in the Christian academia trying to teach and prove this very concept openly. Great arguments are made about it. A recent study said that over 60% of Americans believed that Gnosticism was the same as or a part of Christianity when asked.

These beliefs also parallel the arguments and divisions in the early church and in the division between Judaism and Christianity of the same time period as the Pharisees had embraced several Gnostic ideas, in practice if not in name. This means that these same characteristics can be found in the classic faith vs. works arguments.

There’s a YouTube channel I’ve been watching for the past year called Whatifalthist. I really think this young man is one of the most intelligent people on YouTube currently. During the past 6 years or so it became fairly clear that the vast majority of YouTube creators could be measured with the twin axes of research and analysis. I mean, obviously, I’m not talking about the vapid personality cult videos, I’m talking about the actual informative videos that I always thought was the point of YouTube in the first place as an early beta user. It became fairly obvious to me, especially as we entered this strange world of hyper-polarized politics the past 6-8 years or so, that some people were great researchers and others were excellent analysts. Many were decent with both, but overall it did not appear that it was a foregone conclusion that if someone was good with one, they would automatically be good with the other. The young man behind Whatifalthist is one of the few that I believe is good at both. Astonishing, but every now and then I meet someone very young who restores my hope amidst all the examples of youth that make people despair for the future.

As I was putting together this series, in fact, as I was in the middle of doing the video editing for the previous video, he released a video titled Understanding Modern Civilization. He’s fond of predictive models of history and explains the concepts well, the first fifty minutes or so he explains the concept of modernity and does a great job of explaining how we got here. Then he takes a sharp turn and links up modernity and its drawbacks that he’s spent the past 45 minutes time talking about, and point to Gnosticism! It was an excellent analysis, and I think he understands the things I’m trying to get across here. It actually cheered me up amidst the depressing writing on these topics to know that other people are aware of this issue.

Anywho, excellent analysis and research, strongly recommended, in fact, all of his videos are of this quality, and if anything I’m discussing here is sparking your interest or concerns, a valid means of learning more is to see other researchers’ views on the subject.

Another excellent analysis you might want to check out is a 2-hour video by James Lindsey titled The Gnostic Parasite, which you can find on the New Discourses ( website and YouTube channel.

I’m still writing my videos on how the term Conspiracy Theory has been weaponized, including the Psychiatric Industry and DSM V including language to declare a person mentally ill for this version of wrongthink. I’ve got the receipts and sauce, the point being all this talk about this enemy is not just conspiracy, there is actually a great deal of paper supporting these claims.

I can’t explain it any simpler. I’ve spent a lot of time now in these videos giving you contrasting examples, and those that I gave are the tip of the iceberg, just what I came up with off the top of my head. To really seal the deal, and hopefully provoke a little gestalt, I’m now going to turn back to academia.

Experimentalism in American Education

In America and Western Europe, the latest attack of Gnosticism on the authority of God started with Theosophy about a hundred years ago. Pretty much everything we are having a problem with now in society and politics and academia and the news media starts from that point. And one who has greatly impacted the attack through academia is John Dewey. The guy behind the Dewey decimal system. He started a movement in education way back then which he called Progressive Education and with the term ‘experimentalism’. Almost straight out of the trait of Gnosticism called Experimentalism.

Now in a previous video in the series I’ve been doing on pistis, the word translated as Faith in the New Testament, I tried to describe how in attempting to understand what this word means our very language defeats us. What I’m about to get into is a little more expansion on this point, and if you’d like to hear that part of this concept it’s in the video entitled “Chapter 4: The Lie of Faith.” Links are above and at the end of this video.

Philosophy is always out here asking these crazy questions, like this one: is there any sound in the woods if no one is around to hear it? If someone says no, how can you prove them wrong? It’s hard to prove that there’s sound in the woods when there’s no one to hear it, and if you go to listen, then you’re there to hear it.

And far more of the world, for example, is caught up in a philosophic frame that produces the religions of the Far East which is based upon a theory of reality that includes the idea that we don’t exist, that we are appearance, not reality, that ultimate reality is in a different plane. So undefinable, they won’t give it a name. They call it “that behind all that”. The Vedanta philosophy and many types of Buddhism are based on this way of thinking.

The Vedanta philosophy grows from this frame, all forms of Buddhism, both the northern and Eastern streams all grow out of this view of reality.

The education system of America grows out of that view of reality as well, adopted by John Dewey, called Experimentalism. They put a propaganda name on it: Progressive education, but at its core it’s based upon the view that you don’t have any ultimate reality. Struggling to preserve self is of very limited benefit. You have no more existence than a wave in the sea. A lead exponent of experimentalism and progressive education back in the 40s postulated the ontology of experimentalism based on the analogy that we are like waves in the sea. According to this, our existence is temporary, and our only impact is the influence that our actions have on the larger whole. The meaning of a wave is simply to be a wave, and we should enjoy our existence while it lasts. When faced with obstacles, it’s our goal to overcome them and continue moving forward. This postulation forms the foundation of American education.

Parents go on trusting their kids during the formative years to a school system based on this philosophy. According to this viewpoint, there is no such thing as the immortality of the soul. The idea of an afterlife is mere speculation, and the ocean’s continuously producing waves is the only form of it. Furthermore, there are no ultimate truths or lasting facts to be found in the world. The most consistent thing about the ocean is it’s always changing. The only thing that never changes in the philosophy of experimentalism is that everything changes.

“There are no absolute truths except for the absolute truth that there are no absolute truths.” This statement may sound like a joke, but it’s actually the philosophy of experimentalism. It’s based on the field of epistemology, which deals with how we can know things.

Follow me as I guide you through the intricate paths of philosophy.

Idealism vs Realism

Epistemology refers to the study of knowledge theory, as well as metaphysics and the fundamental aspects of reality. Ontology, which is a branch of metaphysics, posits that the ultimate nature of reality is being. Epistemology is concerned with what is knowable and what can be known. It divides the entire world into two categories. All of us, whether you realize it or not, you are in a state of realism or you are in a state of idealism.

It’s important to note that when I use the term “idealism,” I’m not referring to it in the common emotive sense of having lofty ideals, or being an ‘idealist’. Rather, I’m using it in the philosophical and epistemological sense. Idealism and realism have fundamentally different views on reality and what can be known about it.

You must choose one of these frames of reference, you’re not aware of it when it happens. Your very language captures you before you even realize there’s a distinction to be made. Before you even realize there’s a decision to be made on the reality you want to embrace, it’s embedded. Your language is determined by your cultural mindset, and that captures your frame of reference as either idealistic or realistic.

The concept of a reality that is made up of unchanging persons, who are in relationships with other unchanging persons, is considered to be an illusion according to the philosophy of idealism. This is because idealists believe that reality is not composed of fixed and unchanging entities, but rather, is constantly changing and evolving. To an idealist, the very idea of unchanging persons in fixed relationships with other unchanging persons seems incompatible with the dynamic and fluid nature of reality. Therefore, they see this kind of reality as an illusion, rather than an accurate representation of the world we live in.

To the idealist all that exists are relationships. We are merely focal points of these relationships, despite believing ourselves to be independent entities. The philosophy teacher recognizes that this may sound foolish to those who are not well-versed in the subject.

This frame of reference is demonstrated by our very language. You cannot describe any person or object without describing a relationship you’re having with it.

No matter how hard we try, we can never fully describe ourselves or others without reference to our relationships and interactions with one another. The message is that our identities and experiences are complex and multifaceted, and cannot be reduced to simple descriptions or labels.

No matter what you say, you cannot describe me in a way that you can articulate without a relationship. You can’t describe yourself. There’s nothing you can articulate that is not described in terms of relationships.

Try it someday.

All you can do is describe relationships.

That’s what they’re teaching you at school. The kids should stay home.

The realist says I don’t care. I don’t care whether I can describe myself or not. I am and I ain’t you, for which one of us should thank the Lord.

I don’t care whether I can put it into words. Reality is things or ones or otherness, having a relationship with otherness and the relations are between these entities.

The idealist says, no, all you can describe is the relationship, forget the entities. There ain’t nothing but relationships and if you change one relationship it changes all of them.

That’s the origin of pantheism, which finds God in all reality, by the way. But that view is already there because our language already captures our mental development.

Our Very Language

Our language has the verbs change and the nouns and pronouns stay essentially unchanged. Here’s an example as it was taught to me,

I ran home.

I will run home.

I was running home.

I would like to have run home.

I think I will run home.

I am home.

Only the verbs change, and the subjects and objects, nouns, remain unchanged.

So our thought patterns grabbed our minds when we first learned the language. Interestingly enough in the mind of God in the fullness of time, I believe that it’s not the least of the reasons that what ‘he sent forth his son in the fullness of time’ means, is that he picked a time when a precise, realism language like Greek ruled the mind of the world.

For His word as it became incarnate and eternal in the eons to come, the written word had to be as precise as the languages could be. To be not corrupted or at least a minimal corruption by the prince of this world. So out of the options of all languages, God picked a time when a precise language ruled the world.

Hebrew has a very small vocabulary and it has the same kind of confusion we have in English, where the word post can mean somebody sending a letter, or a fence post, or a box of cereal, or any other innumerable meanings that must be interpreted by context.

Greek has a precision unmatched. And in the fullness of time, when God would stamp his mind on a final revelation in the written word, Greek ruled.

The epistemology of the Greek language is realistic. As is English. The epistemology of English is realistic. We have nouns, and entities, that remain unchanged while the verbal action, which is the relationships, change. Sometimes the nouns change too, but the main frame of reference of the English language is nouns don’t change. Verbs change.

A researcher at Stanford once found an Indian Navajo language, that was fluid. The language was totally fluid. When the verb changed, the nouns and the pronouns changed. Any change in action, the subject and object, the words changed.

As you can imagine, even though it’s alien to our mind frame if you grew up in a language frame where every time the relationship changed grammatically, the grammar changed from past tense to future or when the verb changed, the all the other words changed too. Any action changes changed the nature of the entity. This would make it easy for that tribe, in that language frame, to adjust to a view of reality where there are no ultimates, there’s nothing fixed, everything’s changing.

One of the biggest complaints we hear about today is about how people are changing the meaning of words. They can’t even decide on a definition for the word Woman.

Progressive Education

What has to be the greatest accomplishment of Satan, since Christ and maybe in the history of mankind, is to take this nation, Satan accomplished a coup of changing the educational system of this whole nation, based upon an epistemology of idealism that John Dewey’s experimentalism adopted. And because of that, there is nothing but relationships, there are no absolute values, there are no absolute truths.

Therefore, education should not learn about facts, because facts will change. What education should do is prepare our kids to cope with change. Which will never change, namely the fact that change is constant.

Therefore, since change is constant, values and facts and truth will change. Change will always be with us.

The people embraced by this Modernistic Gnostic thought don’t even blink an eye about changing things like pronouns and can’t even understand why someone might be opposed to it.

So education prepares you to cope with change, but it does not prepare you to change yourself to adjust to reality. Reality is constantly changing.

There are no absolute proofs. So don’t be bothered with the facts. They don’t get bogged down with Plato and his eternal forms and conformity to them. Don’t get bogged down with religion and its immortality and the unchanging soul that never dies.

Facts that come from God and absolutes don’t exist. They can’t even understand or be compassionate with anyone’s confusion or objection to it. It’s all poetry and fancy and fabrication.

What exists is you, the wave in this sea of change. You are educated to preserve your status quo and well-being. You learn to cope with change in a way that satisfies and perpetuates you and your truth. Therefore, you have to learn to solve problems that impede your progress, your sense of well-being, your satisfaction, and your happiness. Because that’s all you’ve got. When this wave dies, it’s gone.

Therefore, you have to learn to serve yourself. And perpetuate yourself. Truth is what works for you. Value is what preserves you.

Look up what the word for self is in Latin. It’s ego. It’s all ego. This enemy that is characterized by these characteristics we are identifying, and I am calling Gnosticism for simplicity’s sake, are also the core idealistic principles of Theosophy and communism and feminism and progressivism and all this woke garbage, all of it… is just ego. It’s pride, the chief of all sins.

In big ways and little ways, you take the roles of God. The Authority of God shifts to you.

To those captured by this modern Gnosticism the test of truth and value is what makes you happy. In the end, your happiness, and your self-perpetuation justify any means to accomplish that. Truth becomes relative, as reality is relative. Whatever gets you on your way.

What this enemy had accomplished to win over the minds from Leipzig University in Germany through the State Teachers College at Columbia and New York and then out through the Ivy League Colleges and then Stanford and Cal leading the way on the West Coast and reconstruction and education was taken, all this progressive education, experimentalism, idealism philosophy of John Dewey and others, admitted humanists and theosophist, including Rudolph Steiner who could fill a dozen of these videos by himself and his influence on Hitler by the way, all of it is seen as a moral imperative to change things away from our traditional view of what reality was. And eternal things went out the window.

Turns out New Math really is demonic.

Me First

Thank God, you are born in a frame that prepares you with a language frame of realism before you are yet educated in an alien frame of idealism.

Your education then defies the very language structure in which you are learning your skills of knowledge. The most effective cancer they have is the one where you are taught to preserve self selfishly.

You are taught “me first”. This sounds like a conspiracy theory, but people have been lamenting it for years. For 40-plus years scholars have been saying how they found it intolerable, but couldn’t do anything about it. The progressive education and experimentalism had taken over the secular educational system of America.

In the 80’s it started to encroach into Christian education and churches. It’s already come and it’s hard for the churches to do anything about it. Most churches today are selling God to “me first” Christians.

They think God is acceptable to you if He helps you along your way. God becomes but another weapon in your arsenal of self-serving behavior. A good example of this is the Enneagram. It’s so pervasive in both Catholicism and Christianity that Exorcists have been warning us about it in print. Christianity has been put on the smorgasbord table on the same level as all the others, serving you better, but also alternate lifestyles and formulas.

The criteria still is “me first”. What works best for me?

If I had been born in an idealist frame and accepted the truth of Christ’s revelation, the language that God chose to inscribe the living word was Greek, which is the realism frame. It uses word conjugations to describe the relationships but the root objects don’t change. And it’s taken nearly a hundred years for progressive education to finally get to a point where we have to either give up our language and Christianity or we’re going to be replaced. They’re already putting together a replacement, idealism-framed version of Christianity that fits with progressive changes to English.

If you’ve been listening and it cannot be proven, deduced from the authority of Christ’s resurrection and the stance on his official written document placed there by his words, written by those who listened to him, I have to remain committed to the realist position. I mean, progressive education is full of crap.

You cannot separate the method from the philosophy. And if this self exists eternally, then the question becomes important, what will you give in exchange for your soul? All You me-firsters.

The scripture comes along like a battering ram and says, if you gain the whole world and lose your soul, you’ve lost it all.

End with the Church

Now here’s the church. It’s got a group subconscious self just like we do. Also, every member thereof with their wants, ideas, opinions, and desires. Sometimes they cluster together a little on a shared want, beyond the desire of the united subconscious’s desire to serve God, and they promote, or you can call it conspire, with one of these shared wants or desires that the smaller cluster shares. The church has the capacity for little pockets to conspire horizontally to get their wants and their wishes into the institutional group self and get it to serve their ends. I’m not putting on the kid gloves in this description, but anyone who has ever spent any time in a church knows this happens. It happens innocently. I think it would be nice to help the homeless, or, single moms sure have it tough. It could be anything. The point is a small section of the body of the church starts to identify itself as separate from within the church.

As the self is corrupt according to deceiving desires, so does the church become corrupt according to deceiving centers of contention. Paul talks about it quite often in most of the books he writes. In fact, it’s a major point of Galatians. In Romans 16:17-18 Paul says, Mark those that cause contention among you, they’re like a cancer. They’ll infect the rest and cut them out.

Every church has this subconscious mind, just as we have this subconscious mind, with the desires driving it, composed of the individual units thereof. The plan of God does not want the self to become a slave to these wants. These wants are to be crucified. They’re OK when under control. They become a problem when the desires become deceiving desires and the person surrenders to them, and the same is true for the church.

Now, it ain’t an analogy trying to explain God or his greatest creation, Adam and his descendants are going to fall short. But God who destined us, put our wants in us, put our capacities in us, made us as unique as a snowflake, never to be duplicated. God knows what’s best for us and proved his love for us when he gave his son, the best of heaven, to give Him the chance to start over with those that He chose.

We’re corrupt according to deceiving desires that deceive the self into thinking we ought to serve this dying flesh. This is the root of the concept of Authority, and this enemy, with its characteristics of Gnosticism and all the others I’ve mentioned, celebrates the very same self-authority. Paul says all things are lawful and he uses the word, Panta in the Greek, which means everything, no exception. All things are lawful, not all of them are expedient. Not all of them build up Christ. The key part is, all things are lawful but I will not be brought into bondage to any of them.

Likewise, usually, the trouble in the church starts with somebody having their idea of what their structure should be used for. And they seek support from others who feel the same as they do about some concept and they become a cancer, because this is a useful structure, and the whole organization is innocently sought to be brought into captivity to one of these little centers of want.

It happens over and over. It’s been happening for at least 2,000 years if Paul was writing about it. He just didn’t have television or the internet to contend with. The internet is the great unifier. For all of time, you may have had one person in town who had a certain idea or concept and lived their whole life alone in that desire. Now the internet comes and you have groups of them finding each other. That’s how we got such powerful, small in size, minority groups using the powers of cancel, that we see today. It’s been happening in churches for 2,000 years. You can’t go a week without hearing about some church somewhere adopting progressive woke ideas. Innocent as they may appear at the time. It’s either an outreach to a specific population, or risking a drop in your church’s growth or numbers.

God provides a way to handle it, just like He provided knowledge of it happening through Paul from the beginning. It’s all about Authority.

I don’t think the Christian churches and Christianity itself have ever faced the threat that it’s facing today. In the next video, I’m going to give you some concrete facts about that threat and protecting yourself with Authority.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Authority 2: Academic Ego
Authority 3, A History of War

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