Authority 4, Know Your Enemy

You cannot separate the method from the philosophy. And if this self exists eternally, then the question becomes important, what will you give in exchange for your soul? All You me-firsters.

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Authority Chapter 1, What is it?

This one concept is so important and so confused in our lives, it is the root of spiritual warfare. It bothers me when people try to address spiritual warfare with this armor of God thing in Ephesians 6, and then proceed to just repeat the same begging of the question that tells us nothing. This one concept of Authority is the root of so many lies that I sometimes think it is the central, foundational, most critical component of all the spiritual warfare focused on the moralists among us. Those people who have more faith in their works following the law and the blessings they receive than they do in God. What is this concept of authority all about?

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A Critical Examination of the Resurrection

Everybody thinks you can talk about religion with your first words coming out of the cradle. Everybody’s an expert on religion. They assume you don’t need any brains to be a Christian, you don’t need any facts, you don’t need to study. 

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The God of Hate

When I asked a seminary student the other day what DEI means they told me it was Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
I said, no, it’s Latin for God.

There’s no chance in hell that’s a coincidence.

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